"Employees don’t care what you know as a leader until they know you care about them".

Skill development is an investment in creating more effective employees and a greater capacity to manage difficult situations. And it’s an investment that can pay off in minimizing conflicts that escalate to where they interfere with productivity and profits.

Our programs are made up of customizable modules that can be mixed and matched to create group-specific programs that are designed to be:

  • Memorable and Sticky! – We want people to remember what we discussed…
  • Relevant and practical – Our goal is that people walk out with strategies and information that they can put to use immediately and regularly
  • Strategic and focused – We aim to create programs that will support your ongoing success and that will meet your stated objectives (and we will ask you what those are before we start)
  • Engaging and fun – We believe that people learn best when they are enjoying the experience (and that helps the retention and integration of the material too).

Certificates can be issued for either participation or completion if required. Ask us for details!

This is a light-hearted, but immensely practical, exploration of the key traps that can contribute to misunderstandings, conflict, and hurt. In this interactive session, we will examine some practical and theoretical factors that contribute to effective and problem relationships as well as strategies to enhance our interactions with others and reduce the stress in our lives. This session will be of use to anyone who finds themselves dealing with conflict – at work, at home, in their community, globally…

Some of our training programs include:

This program provides participants with the opportunity to learn skills, strategies, and tools that will support them to understand the dynamics of conflict, explore personal and group relationships with conflict, and learn strategies to communicate more effectively, resolve more efficiently and interact more productively. While this program is focused on understanding, preventing, and resolving workplace conflicts. 

When we work in an organization we are accountable to ‘others’ (employer, shareholders, members, employees, colleagues/team members, the public, etc) for the choices we make, the impact of our actions and behaviour and for getting the mandated job done. We are also responsible for our personal and collective contribution to how our workplace ‘is’ – a healthy productive workplace or a dysfunctional even toxic environment.

As leaders, we are accountable to ‘others’ (employer, shareholders, members, employees public, etc) for providing and implementing the strategic direction within our organization, for getting the mandated job done, for and we have a further responsibility to our employees to provide a functional and effective workplace. It can be a lot to juggle and the result can be stress, frustration, and limited success.

Have you ever wondered why you get along well with some people and not with others? Why people react the way they do? And what could possibly be going through their mind that would cause them to make the choices they have made? As human beings, our interactions can be constructive and positive but they can also be conflicted and destructive. Whether it’s in a workplace, a family, or a group of friends, understanding what influences reactions can help us to manage those relationships more effectively.

This workshop will address the challenges of working with serious resolution-resistant multi-party and organizational Super-conflicts from both the theoretical and practical perspectives. This session will be an interactive, practical hands-on exploration of the dynamics of serious organizational conflict.

A key element of conflict and what causes it to escalate are the stories that we tell ourselves (and others) when we find ourselves in a conflict or a difficult situation. However, our stories are rarely objective, balanced, or factual – rather we create these stories as a way of making sense of the situation and justifying our perception. The stories we tell are also a factor in how others see the situation, the rumour mill, the number of people who get drawn into the situation, and how quickly the situation escalates.

No matter where we sit on the corporate ladder, we spend a significant portion of our life ‘at work’ and yet for many people ‘work’ is not a positive place to be. Research shows that this negative working atmosphere has a tremendous impact on productivity, morale, employee turnover, burn-out, and stress levels. The cost of this negativity is two-fold, there is the $$ cost as well as the personal toll taken on the people involved. Increased demands on EAP programs, grievances, workplace bullying, and violence can lead to disengaged employees and high turnover rates. This can negatively impact our succession plans and influence our ability to recruit and retain top talent.

While the majority of people attempt to stay out of other peoples’ fights, there are times when we get caught up in them as part of our job. While this is not a pleasant place to be, it is a common reality for managers, real estate agents, HR Professionals, union representatives, clergy, teachers, and parents. Whether we are new to the business world or well seasoned in the role, the ability to de-escalate conflict effectively, to know when to step in and when to step back are critical skills for anyone who finds themselves caught in the middle of other peoples’ conflicts.

The style of leadership in managing interpersonal and organizational conflicts is a major factor influencing the way employees react when they find facing problems. Every human being has a default pattern that defines our instinctive reactions in conflict situations. Most of us are unaware of what that pattern is, where it came from, and whether it is supporting our success or impeding it. As leaders, our level of influence in our organizations is significant. Thus our own personal Conflict Blueprint is a key factor in defining our leadership style, particularly in those times when our leadership is most important – in situations of crisis and conflict.

This course is designed to provide training and skills development for people who wish to become professional mediators or those who are called upon to resolve or assist others to resolve conflict within their workplace (government, education, community, church or other settings). Based on 20+ years’ experience working in the field, the format of this program has been developed to provide participants with a mediation experience that is as closely aligned with what they encounter in the real world as possible. Participants will conduct a full mediation from start to finish including having to market mediation to upset participants, engage them in being willing to participate, interview them, set up and conduct the actual mediation and then write up the agreement resulting from the mediation.

Understanding the dynamics of organizational culture and Systems Theory – and how they interconnect to create the complexity that is your organization can give a leader a competitive advantage in terms of creating a flexible, robust organization that can weather the challenges it will face – and still be successful!! So what happens when you take on a new leadership role and discover you have inherited a mess that will make achieving your mandate a challenge? Maybe you find that:

  • Turnover rates are high,
  • Productivity is lower than it should be,
  • Absenteeism leaves you shorthanded on a regular basis
  • Tension between individuals or teams seems to permeate the workplace
  • Grievance and formal complaints seem too common

And everyone is looking to you to make it all better…
What is contributing to the negativity and problems?
Where do you start? And how do you avoid the pitfalls that could make things worse?