You don’t have to go through conflict alone. Reach out today.
Why don’t you see if we can help?
A river is a mix of serene peaceful water interspersed with mild rapids and raging white water…. Our business lives are much like that river… we have times of relatively stable, uneventful productivity where plans are being implemented, customers are getting what they need and employees are doing what they need to do… and then there are other times where change is hitting hard and fast, we are managing by crisis and people seem to be working at cross purposes.
As a leader:
Not sure where things are at? Download our Organizational Health Blueprint, give it out to your team (or just do it yourself), and send it back to us. Get your FREE, no-obligation analysis by contacting us.
We will use our 20+ years of experience to partner with your leadership team through our consulting, training, coaching and speaking programs to:
Let us help you avoid putting a Band-Aid over an abscess!
Are things going relatively well? Great! However, like a good marriage, it requires an investment of time and resources to maintain positive energy. We have strategies that PREVENT situations from escalating.
A bit rough?
Got conflicts? Formal complaints and grievances? Higher turnover than you would like? Are there rumblings in the ranks? Sounds like there are some things that need attention. We can help RESOLVE the problem.
Getting chaotic?
Have things deteriorated? Conflicts distracting people, disrupting work and creating tension? Is staff aligning into ‘camps’? Burning out? We help you implement tactics for DAMAGE CONTROL to contain things until they can be resolved.
T 613.599.8177
Ruth Sirman is an Internationally Certified Mediator (International Mediation Institute), speaker, trainer, and consultant with a passion for helping clients create healthy organizations and happy, productive employees, since 1992. She has a B.Sc. in Integrated Science and a Master’s Certificate in Mediation.
Ruth combines her 30+ years’ experience as a scientist, mediator, OD consultant, Systems Thinker, farmer, parent and life-long questioner to help organizations understand the dynamics they are facing through a different set of lenses. There is a competitive edge to being able to see patterns, links, and connections that are normally hidden, so that the time, energy and resources invested to solve the “problems” are actually solving the problems that are causing the issues… She engages entire organizations in exploring the current reality with a focus on asking the questions that need to be asked, looking below the waterline at what is really going on, and helping people make sense of the patterns that emerge.
And if possible she’ll encourage you to take as much of it as possible outside! (kayaking is always an option…)
Why don’t you see if we can help?